Friday, April 29, 2011

Paul - Yoda

Yoda - 'nuff said


Yeah, I'm outta whack. Not following the rules at all. Oh well.

I LOVE the snowtroopers. These guys were pretty hardcore in my opinion. I rememember being very young and seeing the trailer for empire and thinking "Holy @#$%! a bunch of white-ninja-Darth-Vaders!" Of course they ended up being just as stupid and harmless as regular stormtroopers, but BOY did they bring a big @$$ gun into the mix.   
I kinda hate drawing guns, btw. And I ran out of room for the front tripod leg. stupid me!

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Luke & Yoda - Add a caption!!

Ok, so I didn't feel like drawing an AT-AT, so I'm probably going to screw everything up by doing Luke & Yoda ahead of schedule. Or maybe I'll get lucky and SkottieScott won't do them? I don't know. I just whipped this up at work. I'll probably work on the inking a little bit more tonight.

 I always thought this was a wierd part of Luke's training. It really didn't make a lot of sense that he needed to carry Yoda around in a Baby Bjorn. I thought he was supposed to be excercising his mind?
Anyway. Let's have some fun with this. Add your caption in the comment section. I started...

todays character...

So today's characters are AT-ATs...should I just cheat and reuse yesterdays pic????

okay, here's a quick AT-AT doodle -

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Han on Tauntaun

Well, I knew I wouldn't have a lot of time tonight. Sarah's on her way to a photoshoot and I gotta get the kids squared away in time for the Bruins game tonight! I successfully predicted that today's character was going to be Han on his Tauntaun. Hooray for me.
I had this drafted up in my head and quickly turned it out during lunch break. Thus it is pen and ink on 8 1/2 x 11 copy paper. High Class! Was definately in the mood for something cartoonie. Hopefully I won't be rushing like this too often.

Here it is with a little color work.

Try to remember...

And please try to remember - I'm just a cube dwelling 9 to 5'er. Don't expect to see the outta the park awesomeness that Skottie & Scott are putting up!!!!

Monday, April 25, 2011

Paul - Wampa

I loved the Wampa toy. Remember how it had those gigantic arms with internal rubber bands so you could make him pick up rebel troops? At least that was the idea. The whole system only really helped make him applaud. I always thought it was funny when they put the toy out, because in the original version of Empire you never really saw the Wampa for more than half a second at a time. He was kind of like that sublimal image of the Devil in the Exorcist. And of course, in the quick shots you did see, it was apparent that there was some pretty cool bloodstaining going on in his fur which obviously made him pretty hardcore. Of course, then they put out the special editions and we all got to see the Wampa in all his glory.

This is the first time I have ever drawn a Wampa. I found that in drawing a Wampa it is really hard not to slip into drawing the Bumble from Rudolf.

this is a 9x12 pen & ink

and here is the little doodle i did at work -